We can visit Tomcat manager page (located at Configuring Eclipse Neonīefore we start check that you have following plugins installed: Here we are creating admin user with 1234 password and we give him (or her)
Now you must add the following line to tomcat-users.xml file: This is not neededīy Eclipse but it may come in handy when you will later want to play Now we will add an administrator account on Tomcat server.Let’s check if everything is OK by starting Tomcat and opening.$ tar xzvf ~/Downloads/apache-tomcat-8.5.6.tar.gz \ $ # We will install Tomcat in $HOME/bin/tomcat To instal Java follow tutorial at webupd8. I assume that you already installed Java on your box, To make things easier you will install Tomcat inside your home directory.You can also download file from terminal: Visit Apache Tomcat download page and grab apache-tomcat-8.5.6.tar.gz file.This tutorial will help you setup your development environment. Tomcat server in Eclipse Neon IDE can be a difficult task. When you start learning Spring MVC development configuring Menu Using Tomcat 8.5 with Eclipse Neon on Ubuntu Marcin Chwedczuk